A Breakdown of Departments and Roles
WCS - Leadership & Structure

General Assembly
Executive Board
- President: HH Prince Fahad Bin Jalawi
- Diamil Faye
- Angelo Altieri
- Ali Hasan
- PMO: Moath AlArifi
President Office: Ahmed AlShehri
- Legal: Donald Rukare
- Strategy: Laurent Torrecillas, Mossane Faye
- Protocol: Tareq Alqahtani
- International Relations: Bader Aldughter
- Institutional Relations: Mossane Faye
Executive Board
General Assembly
WCS Committees
- Gender Equality: Chandmahi Baterdene
- Ethics: General Idriss Dokony
- Technical: Jana Schmiedel
- International Relations & Public Affairs: Diamil Faye
- Experts: Hussein Al-Ajani
- Marketing & Communication: Tetsuya Tsuda
- Sport & Dev: Eduardo Dibos
- Athletes & Camel Welfare Awareness: Margreet Voermans
- Athletes: Linda Krockenberger
- Medical & Anti-Doping: Mohammad Alsuweina
WCS Committees
COO: Hosam Alkham
- Administration Officer: Saud Mabrouk
- Finances & Admin
- Procurement
- Operations
- Operations Support
- Sport Services: Linda Krockenberger
- Athletes Coordinator
- Members Relations Coordinator
- Events Coordinator
- Marketing & Communication: Ziad Sarayah
- Communication Support
- Operational Body
COO: Hosam Alkham

A global camel racing organization, promoting communication and heritage.
- King Saud University, Riyadh 12372, Saudi Arabia
- info@the-icrf.org